Excellent article Eric
The US is the big champion of democracy (although there are many small countries that are more democratic -- but, they are small). America has to demonstrate the BENEFITS of democracy to others and not simply spout the word. To prove to the Chinese people and the like that prosperity and happier more forfilled lives come from having a voice. We have slipped of late, and because of our friends Donald and Corona, this became visible -- although the pain and ills have been with us for some time.
I thought Biden announcement that he would run in 2024 was telling and significant (he could have easily avoided the question). A huge question for me (and Democrats don't want to talk about it) is what happens for 2024? I agree with you it's the last thing we need to be preoccuppying ourselves with, but the current line up of ducks is not good for retaining the White House. Both Biden and Harris are proven lousy candidates -- and, to compete against some one like DeSantos? The Democratic Party needs to have open doors to another -- and, there are plenty of candidates to choose from.
Blowing the White House makes forwarding democracy both here and the world much more unlikely.