Excellent article B Kean.
There is such confusion over what terms like socialism actually mean, these days especially, and so any proper discussion is difficult.
The big difference, as you well illustrate, is that country folk believe they work like hell for their welfare and city folk don't. They are putting are putting food on your table and what do you doing? The obvious answer to which is that cities pay for the food and most of welfare -- both town and country.
There is a case for getting rid of both welfares -- or as we have come to know them. Get them applied at a more grass roots level that allows decisions made more locally and generate up instead of imposition (and telling of how to live) from the Federal level. The government though having the all important roll of providing the money -- but not how it should be spent. Hence, some kind of base income that needs to be both generous and inclusive for it to fly. Politically it can be a win win. In the bigger picture this would have the enormous advantage of the U.S. getting on and MAKING money by loosening up ways for innovation, trade and immigration -- the 3 big engines of prosperity.
Many thanks. Well written.