Excellent article and insight, Hossein.
Alas, it's likely worse than you describe.
We recently had American hobbyists' balloons blown out of the sky by $400,000 missiles fired from U.S. Lockheed Martin F-22s. The balloons were about the size and expense of Walmart kitchen toasters. The strings of the balloons could well have been attached to the handles of barbecues in American suburbia.
(The owner of one balloon is likely the North Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade).
Should this have happened in error, it would be alarming. That it was ordered by the President of America in consultation with top military brass is nothing less than flabbergasting.
Does popular hysteria now drive foreign policy and U.S. military operations?
As you say, there is no shortage. of experts, information, and diversity of opinion. But the excellent voices (yours included, Hossein) must be heard and understood to have an effect. Most Americans have little interest beyond the shores until losing a son or gas prices rise. And so the consequences for international mistakes are pretty much nil.
We currently have a foreign policy that is dangerously askew. Unaware to most, America is on a collision course with China that is perfectly avoidable with little risk to American security or prosperity.
Many thanks. Best.