Eric Medlin, as for the president 2024, Democrats would be wise to change the ticket. Both Biden and Harris are each well qualified to lose. Biden will be too old and is a poor campaigner. Harris is worse. Just a simple look at history can verify that. In 2020 Biden was essentially a default nominee and went on to win against Trump being sheltered by COVID. Harris dropped out before Iowa because of lack of appeal, a campaign grossly mismanaged and her overriding characteristic of being continually unprepared.
The mechanics of just how to make the change may not currently exist -- but they need finding. First, minds have to be made up pretty quickly.
Who would step in? Pete Buttigieg would be the most obvious person for top of the ticket. Smart, excellent communicator and proven on the campaign trail. Has vision and pragmatism for a country in need. His foot in "fly over country" helps.
It perhaps should not be assumed that Trump will run.
Many thanks