DJB, it's certainly a time of flux and because of that there is great uncertainty. The upside is that when balls are in the air opportunities arise that can seen and seized.
There will be guaranteed surprises. Ukraine, led by Zelensky, managed to get the backbone back in democracy. The catastrophes of Donald and Corona managed to uncover much that needs fixing in the U.S. and paths may now be possible where it not before. We had the George Floyd horribleness that wakened America to the plight of Blacks. Black lives has been lifted because of it.
Ukraine? Who knows. But it could mean a new Russia and a rebuilt Ukraine. Also, our relationship with China could turn around if Americans could learn to be a bit more pragmatic and stop screaming at China because their economy will likely become bigger than ours.
It's not all gloom and doom. But it takes work and imagination.
Many thanks. Thoughtful article.