David St. Vincent, your article includes the subject of entitlement (I am white, male, straight etc. and this can easily be expanded or specialized to include -- my parents are wealthy therefore, I graduated from Yale Law School etc. We have cultivated so many of these classes. The problem is that they don't mix with each other and the gap between them has become so cavernous that that is unlikely or impossible. Throw into that mix people feeling lost and financially insecure.
The other element is spite. Where people will trade away money, benefits and joy in order to deny other folk having them -- the Heather McGhee (book "The Sum of All of Us") swiming pool thing or the cancelation of St. Patrick's Day Parade in Boston (1994) because some gays wished to march. Or even Mitch McConnell happier to be Senator of a poorer Kentucky should that mean an elevated position in Congress.
I wrote for Hearst but also on MEDIUM "Donald's Ship Needs Sinking" and I invite you to read.