David Frum, a good description of the short comings. Your bull’s eye being that Donald Trump “does not know what to do”. He cannot even apply his bad intuition to this issue, and it is glaringly apparent that he is completely out of his depth.
Essentially, we have a President who has not only isolated the US from the rest of the globe, but he has isolated himself from good talented people who could be of help to him at this demanding time. Over his term, Trump has accumulated a bunch of not so talented subordinates to the most important positions. Add an ambiance of fear, mistrust and dishonesty into the White House mix, and the results are what we see in the management of this crisis.
Trump’s head is in the middle of a confusing scramble, which last night’s address displayed in vivid colors. He needs to separate the financial from the health issues and be guided by evidence and logic — unfortunately, the latter has never been his strong suit.