Dan Lavoire. Great stuff!
I have spoken to Bernie and he is not going to roll over — in fact he had another suggestion.
TThe great social movements that you list certainly had leadership, but above all, they had broad popular support for the cause (striking coal miners in 1972 UK were ultimately successful because they had popular backing). This is not the case with the issues you are currently addressing. Universal health care (one payer system), school debt forgiveness and the “Green New Deal” are not hugely popular. Without which, they would never become reality — independent of whether or not they are good ideas.
Make sure the moat is for swimming and the draw bridge is up, because Elizabeth and Bernie crowned together, with their deck of cards, would reign in a continual state of siege. Nothing would be achieved beyond the throwing of eggs — what a waste, and the voting public would certainly deserve what they got.
Always good to have ideas though!