Cory, excellent article.
Regardless, it would be prudent to place nuclear on the table as an option. And to quickly ramp up (or restart) the R&D required to get the option up to its full potential. Unfortunately in many placed nuclear has been shelved).
As you say, no energy source is without risk and is always of course in the context of the risks from climate change itself.
I understand that nuclear is currently the only "known" means of getting us from one place to another. So until we come up with alternatives it important that it is available.
There are loud voices from folk in comfortable rich countries saying we need to dampen growth. This is a non starter for a couple of reasons. We need the growth in prosperity to actually afford the massive cost of addressing climate change. And are we going to tell developing countries that they can't dig mines, build factories to manufacture goods to improve their living standards? I wrote short piece on this "Immigration and Climate Solutions Are Related" here on MEDIUM.
Many thanks.