Carl Timothy Delfeld, you offer a pragmatic approach for the Republican Party, which is welcome.
Newt Gingrich's "WAR" was a massive disservice to Republicans because it led the party away from politics and leadership and cemented them in permanent opposition to the Democrats.
Likely the legacy of Trump, Republicans are stuck in the here and now with little reference to history and no serious thought to the American future. It's no accident that the party has no platform. What purpose would it serve?
There are opportunities for a NEW Republican Party to champion more easily than Democrats. One is a base income for Americans (traditionally proposed by folk on the right). Income disparity will continue to harm America. It delivered Donald Trump and turned the country increasingly inward under Biden, making the U.S. less competitive globally.
Climate and even healthcare are issues a NEW Republican Party could seize.
New Republican leadership must step up. But this can't happen within the current GOP. It first has to die and be replaced with a NEW Republican Party which has a vision of the future.
Many thanks. Best.