Caren, you know than Terry McAuliffe, who has just lost the governorship of Viginia, was the guy who stood up on CNN and declared that Joe Biden should be the nominee all have to rally around. What a diservice.
Biden may be droning through speeches and falling asleep at crucial international conferences, but don't think he will spontaneously step down at the end of first term. Someone has to tell him and there needs to be plan in place for the Democratic party to move from poor chances to good chances of retaining the White House.
The loss in Viginia (and possibly New Jersey) can work as an alarm bell for the Democratic party. That voters in Virginia ellected NOT a Trump person offers the Republicans a path forward. And, that non-Trump competition can be useful to get Democrats straightened up. They appear leaderless and perhaps they are.
Biden is old, a poor speaker and a lousy candidate. As President, he filled a spot for a short time. But the reality the country is facing, we need to move on.
Many thanks. Best to you.