Caren, Donald could sign it, but what's a bit of paper?
For Trump to benefit from a split in the vote, several candidates would need more than single-digit backing. Pompeo and Pence are unlikely to further their appeal, and Haley has no natural base. Unless an amazing center populist jumps from a hat, the primary will be between Trump and DeSantis.
DeSantos has growing appeal (personality aside). His recent interview on FOX offered accurate criticism of Biden on Ukraine -- like, do we have a plan and timeline? DeSantos needs to take his presence and message to MSNBC and CNN.
Democrats must get a better candidate for 2024. Their politicians won't speak out publicly against Biden, and the elite press appears locked in groupthink. Both groups are enabling the nominee for 2024 that most of the country doesn't want and will lose.
Many thanks. Best.