Brian Miller, I question whether Americans have yet the resolve to enter a war head on with Russia. We are at the current level of enthusiasm only because of Zelenskyy and his fellow Ukrainians putting up an unexpectedly damned good fight. If that had not been the case we would now be sitting back in our chairs.
It has become clearer to many that this war has to be won -- and decisively. Although who knows what Biden thinks as he has been putting out some disturbing messages. There is action that can be taken by America and the West that need not trigger a direct war with Russia. Particularly, to deliver all the military supplies Ukraine is asking for without any more hesitation. If they want planes and tanks then immediately supply them without the quibble of defensive or offensive. Logically they need both types because Ukraine not only has to hold territory but retake it.
Democracies are always behind the curve because of the nature of the system. They need that precious commodity of public trust securely in the bank. Unfortunately this was blown with the Afghanistan and (the second) Iraq wars (and witness there was no appetite for leaving even small forces in northern Syria or Afghanistan and Obama had none to go into Syria before that). Public support for a military engagement has been replenished (to what degree, I'm not sure) mainly because Zelenskyy put the spine back in democracy in Europe as well as the U.S. How long that will last? Who knows.
Many thanks. Thoughtful article.