Brett, your article is full, and you have assembled information and reasons for Bernie Sanders being the most electable.
I guess it is possible Bernie could finish up in the White House, after all Donald Trump was elected to President (even to his surprise). Hilary Clinton had an election that was hers to lose. And, she did, not because of Bernie takeaways, Vladimir Putin or the email debacle, but because she was a lousy candidate (she was just not likable). Hilary Clinton lost before, because of the same reason (but then, Barack Obama was an extraordinary candidate).
Unfortunately, President Bernie Sanders would take us down an ugly road. To his credit (and Warren’s), he points to valid issues that desperately need attention, such as the exorbitant cost of prescription drugs and medical care generally, the inequalities of the tax system, concerns over the distribution of wealth etc. That said, his remedies are either wanting or dead wrong. Essentially, Sanders favors a central decision making administration for the country, which would be grossly inefficient, not to mention, a bureaucratic nightmare for everyone. Much better, to let decisions be made at as low a level as possible — by the individual, the family, the community, the town, the state and so on. Not all at the federal level. The other big downer of Bernie, is that he does not believe in trade (much like Trump, he shows no understanding of its value). Just one example, he voted against the NAFTA agreement (and even its replacement). A trade arrangement that has served to raise the living standards (of the majority) of Americans, Canadians and Mexicans. President Bernie would have no new trade deals. None! (and, a not inconsequential complementary effect of trade, is that it makes a more secure world — countries generally don’t go to war with those they trade).
The Bernie White House would resemble a medieval castle — drawbridge up, and hot oil being poured from the parapets onto the folk below (AOC lending a hand possibly). Essentially, an administration in a continual state of siege with nothing being achieved for four long years. Not pretty at all.
If you don’t mind isolation from the world, owning a ten year old Chevrolet and typing on a less than adequate laptop, then vote for Bernie.