Barry Gander, you may be overly confident that Biden will win in 2024.
I invite you to read "Award Joe Biden with Another Term?"
Biden has several downsides -- some are significant.
Biden and Harris are proven lousy campaigners. Both communicate poorly. In 2020 Biden was handed the nomination because of Sanders' threat, and Biden was the old, established candidate. Harris didn't make it to Iowa. Without COVID, likely, Biden would not have won against Trump.
Biden has nothing new for the American future and is centered his campaign on taking down Trump, which elevates Trump. It could also be that a younger, smarter person becomes the Republican Nominee. What does Biden do, then?
Biden made a selfish decision in blocking other Democrats from competing. He gave the middle finger to many who supported him. This must have a dampening effect on voter turnout, especially young voters who are needed.
The upside! He is an incumbent president.
Many thanks. Best.