Amir Stepak, I think you are bang on.
The Democrats are locked in their own temperance. The moment of opportunities is NOW and needs to be grasped and run with (I point to some ideas in "Happiness and Wealth -- It Takes Two to Tango" on MEDIUM). Unfortunately, Democrats in Joe Biden, have a cardboard cutout on stage instead of a real live actor and this is a dreadful substitute for a lead role. There is a resignation to prayer which will only intensify as election day approaches. Let's hope that the carpet holds up.
I advocated back in May that Hedgehog Joe be ushered off stage and replaced by fox youth and smarts "Let's Get Real -- Joe Biden is not up to the Job" on MEDIUM and OP-ED Houston Chronicle 5/5. No one seemed to have the immagination or reality to make the move. There are times for bold actions -- this was one.
Many thanks for your article, appreciated.