Alexander, that Israel be careful in entering Gaza is insufficient.
Israel must be deterred from the ground assault they are preparing. It is guaranteed to have NO happy outcome. World sentiment has shifted to the people in Gaza, which will accelerate the moment Israeli tanks and soldiers cross the border. President Biden and other world leaders should be publicly saying NO at this moment.
Retribution is a lousy defense. Pragmatism in Israel needs to take hold. The mustering of force at Gaza will diminish defenses on the Lebanese border and the West Bank, where attacks can happen.
Immediately securing the border with Gaza and if surgical attacks can diminish Hamas' capability make sense. The restoration of water and electricity would send a positive message to the civilian population in dire need.
There is an opportunity from this tragedy. Israelis are confronted with the need for a satisfactory Palestinian solution. That being a neighboring Palestinian state, which Israelis could help build. They have strengthened relationships with Arab countries to assist.
Many thanks. Best.