Alexander, chances are the shift is not as dramatic or disastrous as you fear. Sadly, with republicans being the majority in the House and possibly tipping the balance in the Senate, little legislation will take place.
The Democrats must ask themselves how they found themselves in their current position.
Generally, they were not talking with voters about the few issues consuming them. President Biden rounded off this in his delivery of the saving of democracy when it should have been on the supermarket.
On rising prices, Democrats either shied away from it or didn't have good answers. Even if they could not offer a quick fix (and neither could Republicans), they could have mapped out a strategy for bringing prices down in the longer term. This would have been at least comforting to voters.
Like crime and the southern border, Democrats failed to address the issues and attempt to present solutions.
An opportunity was lost months ago when Joe Biden could have declared that he was not running for a second term ("Please Joe, Not Another Team"). Apart from a bunch of helpfulness, this would have allowed perhaps dozens of prospective presidential candidates out across the country to be visible and help their colleagues. The timely announcement from Joe would have mustered excitement to the Democratic camp before the Mid-Terms.
Many thanks. Always good.