Alexander, Biden was never the smartest. Hopefully his foreign policy team can keep him in check. This is a President that declared that the U.S. would come to the defense of Taiwan against China but not defend Ukraine from the lesser power of Russia.
That said, I'm not sure that the consequences of his speech are as dire as you describe. Although the regime change was a total goof playing into Putin's propaganda.
Whatever happens, I believe it is essential to get the American population prepared for a more direct confrontation with Putin's Russia. We don't want this but without this kind of American commitment Putin and his like will return with strength. Now, it may be that Americans don't have this in them, but they need reminding that they have already made this commitment with NATO countries. And at the moment NATO countries and Ukraine look very similar.
I agree that Putin should be provided with somewhere to go. Best option to me (also stomach churning) is a retirement package offering security for him and allowance to keep some of his loot.
We want to avoid a divvying up of Ukraine territory to appease Putin (or the West). The Dombas and Crimian territories should be permitted to choose themselves how they wish to be governed.
Good article. Many thanks and best to you.
The role of China (or lack of it) I feel is NOT being given sufficient attention. We should be looking for a MUCH closer relationship with China. Biden's America is doing the opposite.