Adebayo, the poor have traditionally been used as a threat and incentive -- "You don't want to finish up like them."
We make the mistake of targeting poverty when a broader approach would be more beneficial to them and all. Specialized programs for the poor are viewed as charities. This needs to be avoided as funding depends on the moods, which can change too easily.
Lyndon Johnson made his well-meaning "War on Poverty" and succeeded with the introduction of Medicare which was broad-based.
Low-income housing, popular with all levels of government, is a flop because of the overwhelming number of people who don't want it. Increasing housing everywhere would be much better than supplying more to the low-income.
A generous base income would assist all, including the poor. We may be heading in that direction in America and, ironically, more likely to be introduced by a NEW Republican Party (that has leadership) than the Democrats.
Always good. Best.