Adebayo, it's quite something that Henry Kissinger is still alive and mentally sharp.
He is working on two more books. One is on AI and how it will shape the world powers, and should we expect armed clashes between America, China, and Russia within the next five to ten years?
Kissinger is in the company of the most excellent diplomats in history, including Bismarck and Cathrine the Great.
He advises America and China to prevent an increasingly dangerous situation that could cost thousands of lives.
Has Kissinger's advice throughout his life resulted in avoidable human tragedy? Likely yes. The same can be said of most powerful figures worldwide, including your heroes, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, and Tony Blair. Also, the leaders whose INACTIONS (arguably) resulted in untold suffering -- Stanley Baldwin, Neville Chamberlain, and more recently, Barack Obama (Syria and Russia) and Joe Biden in Ukraine.
Kissinger was always adamant that national security and prosperity NOT be crossed with human rights. Jimmy Carter lost America's relationship with most of South America because of this confusion. The Biden Administration continues to make the same mistake (priority was given to the plight of Uyghurs, and not Putin and Ukraine "America is Hurt by Its Poor Relationship with China" (which I thank you for reading. Adebayo Adeniran makes the same mistake by criticizing Tina Turner for visiting Apartheid South Africa.
Many thanks. Always best to you.