Providing space for vigilantes is dangerous.
Killing people you believe have wronged you is NOT the answer— defense from anyone (and CEOs of health insurance companies) MUST be done through laws and the judicial system. If these are inadequate, then fix them.
If the top-income sector pays too little, then change the tax laws. America has a House and Senate to do this.
Like many countries, America has an income disparity (or, more accurately, economic mobility) problem, which has caused divisions and dysfunctions. This must be cleverly corrected.
The Robin Hood fallacy states that the rich take from the poor. We need to perish this notion. Money is CREATED and not only transferred. The Elon Musks of the world create vast quantities of money to build the economy, which raises our living standards (as well as their own).
"Eating the rich" will do you and me harm. It's a caption 100 times more idiotic than "Defund the Police."
Best, as always.