In recent decades, millions of people worldwide have been lifted from poverty -- China in particular, but others, including Singapore, South Korea, and India.
Admittedly, the scene is mixed. Countries in Africa and the Muslim world have not fared as well.
A quick observation of all countries is that urban dwellers have more opportunities (education, work, health, marriage, etc.) than those in rural areas. It's the case in America, Western Europe, China, and Russia (which has contributed to political divides).
Underappreciated is migration (speeded by climate change) from rural to urban areas within nations, particularly developing ones. Although this migration often looks messy, it can lift the living standards of millions and should be encouraged.
It's not only debt; families can be trapped on their land.
To your "Science of Money,"
Money can be created. It is a promise to deliver work, services, or goods, not only currency or transfer.
Many thanks. Best.