A comprehensive article, Hossein.
You're correct. There is often a cavalier attitude to the U.S. imposing economic sanctions. Reminiscent of run-away use of drones a few years back -- which we did tidy up, I understand.
Establishing a much-improved set of guidelines and criteria would probably help. Questions must be asked -- and answered:
What is a particular embargo achieving? Answers like "Not much" and "Can't be defined" should be sufficient to lift embargos.
Good leadership plays a role, of course, in explaining to the American public. We don't have the leadership to remove the tariffs Trump brilliantly imposed, which cost households $800 per year.
I believe that in dealing with security threats from other nations, America should get closer -- up their noses. Counterintuitive and uncomfortable as that may be. It's the opposite of placing sanctions.
The very best to you.