Harris, Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Other UnfortunatesMany shortcomings contributed to their presidential defeats, but there was one underlying reasonJan 1615Jan 1615
Is Kamala Harris More than Cosmetic?Winning the 2024 presidential election is difficult. Harris must dig deep and accept help to become a stronger candidateAug 2, 202420Aug 2, 202420
Setbacks on Ukraine Must Not Be Made into DefeatWhile American funding is in limbo, Ukraine can be uplifted, and Putin delivered a blowMar 15, 202412Mar 15, 202412
Biden Needs Help to Win 2024Bold and swift action is warranted to avoid the presidential loss many Democrats now envisage. A dramatic yet simple change can rescue…Jan 19, 202436Jan 19, 202436
Was Biden Netanyahu’s Chum or Chump?America has become complicit in a war not in its interests. An opportunity to turn onto a different road was missedDec 12, 202323Dec 12, 202323
“Just Watch Me.” We Have Joe, and It’s Time to GoDemocrats are drifting ever closer to a fall with tragic consequences. They can strengthen their position to win the 2024 presidency by…Nov 16, 202315Nov 16, 202315
America Must U-Turn and Avoid a Collision with ChinaThere are less risky ways to keep America safe, prosperous, and on topJun 8, 202313Jun 8, 202313
Medium Writers Must Think of Readers as Customers. Most Don’tNicolas Kristoff of the New York Times replies to readers. Why can’t we on Medium? It would help us — and MediumMay 31, 202320May 31, 202320
Donald Trump, the Town Hall Clown?He provided all the brushwork for CNN’s picture — someone unfit for the presidency and dangerousMay 24, 202316May 24, 202316